Platforms: Windows, macOS, iOS, and Android Mobile Devices
Panopto must be configured through your Blackboard account
What is the purpose of this software?
Panopto is an easy-to-use tool for recording multiple events including in-class lectures, events, presentations, and tutorials that can be easily distributed to students through Blackboard.
Which departments typically use it?
All academic departments
License Restrictions
Who has permissions to use this software (fac/staff, students)?
Faculty, students have the ability to view videos created by their professors
Where can this software be installed (University owned/personal)?
Panopto is integrated with Blackboard and can be used on any university owned or personal laptop or mobile device belonging to active faculty member
How can this software be used?
Academic use only, not for profit
W&M contract term: N/A
Additional Vendor Documentation
Panopto Support
Training Resources
Panopto Lecture Capture Instructions
Video Tutorials