Please Note: It is no longer necessary to obtain approval from IT to create a Mathworks account and download Matlab. Go to to get Matlab.

Platforms: Windows, MacOS, Linux

VDI Remote Desktop (
William & Mary Computer Labs
Installation on your personal computer


What is the purpose of this software?
MATLAB is a high-level language and interactive environment that enables you to perform computational and visualization intensive tasks.

Which departments typically use it? 
Math, Computer Science

License Restrictions

Who has permissions to use this software (fac/staff, students)?
Faculty, students
Where can this software be installed (University owned/personal)?
Any computer, university owned or personal belonging to an active faculty member or student
How can this software be used?
Academic use only, not for profit
W&M contract term:  N/A

Additional Vendor Documentation
Mathworks Support
Training Resources
Linkedin Learning